Our Produce Varieties
Here at Daintree Fresh we take great care in looking after our land.
Understanding our responsibility with respect to the Barrier Reef catchment, and our land for future generations, we have been working very hard to absolutely minimise our chemical use. We have found that the use of chemicals to try and control insects has created increased reliance not reduced, in response to this we have introduced integrated pest management combining high level of bug and disease checking along with the incorporation of beneficial insects. In doing so we have almost eliminated insecticide use on the farm for all domestic and international production.
We are also incorporating fully composted compost and working closely with soil science to develop natural microbes in the soil to make healthy plants that resist disease. We have already had amazing results with 90% less chemical use between 2016 -2023 seasons.
The aim for Daintree Fresh is to produce the cleanest, greenest, best tasting watermelons for the market place and improve the soil on the farm over time.