Along with our Farm Manager Steve Connell who handles the day-to-day processes, we are backed up with Agronomy input from John McDonnell – “Macca” (as he is known in the industry) keeps us ticking along to ensure our plant health is kept in order - Shaun Jackson then backs up the team with the major decision processes along with the marketing side of the business.
Our groundwork team consists of some seasonal workers from countries such as Tonga, some of them have now returned for the 3rd or 4th season. And of course we have other workers such as our mechanic, longer term workers who know the workings of the farm and assist with the overall workings of the farm. All their input is important and invaluable.
Then there is the paperwork side of things – Deb Jackson comes into this to control the food safety auditing etc, dispatches and general accounting aspect needed to keep it all ticking along.